• Build healthy and positive relationships,
• Gain life skills,
• Improve job skills,
• Walk with a mentor; and
• Move from dependency to self-sufficiency.
Christian Men's & Christian Women's Job Corps of Gregg County
Who we are
Christian Men’s & Christian Women’s Job Corps are based on faith in God. Our mission is to share the love of God in Christ as we walk with men and women in friendship, fellowship, prayer, Bible reading, and in life and job skills study.
Each of our programs offers free 10 week classes twice a year with ongoing mentoring to help you succeed. These classes are based on programs from WMU. See below for more info.
What we do
We use a variety of free classes to help individuals learn soft skills, learn about God’s design for work, develop character, and receive a supportive community through mentorship.
Our intention is employed citizens capable of providing for their families, businesses having access to a well-trained workforce, and all this creating sustainable change in their communities through work and the Gospel.
Free Job & Life Skills Classes! Not moving ahead? Unemployed or under-employed? We can help you get a job and keep it.
Christian men empowering other men to be successful and become spiritual leaders in their homes and communities.
Our program can be divided into two major parts: To prepare women for the job market and to encourage them to know and follow Jesus in their everyday lives.
We have many exciting free classes to help you be successful. Our classes are free of charge to our participants.
About our umbrella ministries
Compassion Ministries
Christian Women’s Job Corps® (CWJC) and Christian Men’s Job Corps® (CMCJ) seeks to equip women and men, in a Christian context, for life and employment. Through these two vibrant ministries, participants gain self-confidence, purpose, direction, and hope for the future.
Jobs for Life
Jobs for Life believes God created everyone to work. He designed all of us with gifts and talents to subdue and steward the earth through work. We find our purpose, meet our economic needs, and worship God through our work.
They believe the Local Church can break the cycle of joblessness and poverty: families restored; children grow up with hope and a future; and purpose and dignity restored.
Board of Directors

Susan Green

David Ortega
Vice President/Treasurer

Judy Hogburg

Jeanette Doddy
Fundraising Chairman

David Gillis

Rita Odom
© 2023 Christian Men’s Job Corps of Gregg County and Christian Women’s Job Corps of Gregg County, all rights reserved.