
We are a non-profit organization. All of our support personnel are volunteers. It takes many people to make this program succeed. See where you fit in.

We welcome volunteer workers who are in agreement with the following Statement of Faith:

We believe in the Trinity—God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit—and the Bible as the Word of God. Salvation comes through grace by believing in Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God, our Savior and Lord. Once saved, the Holy Spirit indwells, thereby instructing, guiding, and empowering the individual to follow the mandate of Jesus Christ in daily living.

Ways you can be involved

There are many ways to be involved, here are just a few suggestions.

TEACHER: Help teach one or more of our classes

MENTOR: Our men need mentors during each semester of classes and after graduation. We will provide training.

MEALS: Provide and/or serve the meal at each class meeting. This is a significant time of conversation.

LEADER: Of Prayer Team; or of Administration; or of Business Relations; or of Student Relations.

PRAY: for our participants who need a job or who need a better job

DONATE: a single gift or as a partner on a regular basis. It takes funds to run our program.

INFORM: Tell others, including the men and women of your church about the ministry of CMJC

Contact us to explore ways you can be involved

Contact Us-CMJC

© 2023 Christian Men’s Job Corps of Gregg County and Christian Women’s Job Corps of Gregg County, all rights reserved.