If you agree with our statement of faith, please feel free to contact us about volunteering!
Statement of Faith: We believe in the Trinity—God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit—and the Bible as the Word of God. Salvation comes through grace by believing in Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God, our Savior and Lord. Once saved, the Holy Spirit indwells, thereby instructing, guiding, and empowering the individual to follow the mandate of Jesus Christ in daily living.
Volunteer Opportunities!
How You Can Be a Part of CWJC!
MENTOR: this is a long term commitment and we will carefully consider those who apply to volunteer in this area. Please let us know if you would like to be considered.
PRACTICAL HELP: We are definitely in need of volunteers who are willing to help with practical needs. This may range from answering phones, lunch clean up or anything in between.
TECHNICAL SUPPORT: website building, computer updates, you name it!
PUBLIC RELATIONS: Networking with businesses, agencies, churches and nonprofits.
PRAYER TEAM: This is an incredibly important part of our program. To partner with us in prayer, please see our prayer team tab!
FUNDRAISING: Let us know if you would like to be part of our fundraising team.
TEACHING: We are often looking for dedicated teachers to teach our 10 week courses.
OTHER…: (Do you have a way to help that we haven’t thought of? Then please let us know!)
We are confident that without God’s Spirit moving in the hearts of our volunteers and participants, our work is in vain. Please consider joining our prayer team and/or supporting our ministry through your prayers.
Join our prayer team.
Fill out this form and we will contact you with more information.
© 2023 Christian women’s Job Corps of Gregg County, all rights reserved.